Addressing the Entire Spectrum of Human Conflict

Confidence in Conflict: 12-Step Playbook For Creating a Workplace That Is Incompatible With Emotional and Physical Violence

Conflict is inevitable — you can’t escape it. Arguments, hostility, harassment, resistance, aggression, and violence are just part of the human condition.

However, with the right skills, a great deal of conflict can be prevented and, more importantly, when conflict occurs, it can be effectively managed.

Without your workers having these skills, conflict is often poorly managed which can result in these negative consequences:

  • Customer complaints and decreased customer satisfaction
  • Poor customer outcomes (e.g., buying, medical, learning)
  • Damaged organizational reputation
  • Decreased team productivity, collaboration, and morale
  • More worker absenteeism and turnover
  • Increased workers compensation claims and liability costs
  • Workers avoiding conflict, leading to reduced problem solving and innovation
  • Ruined personal relationships
  • Workplace violence

For over thirty years, our conflict management experts have been passionately committed to eradicating the negative outcomes of poorly-managed conflict within organizations to create more caring environments.

Vistelar is a licensing, training, and consulting institute focused on building safe and respectful workplaces. Our Unified Conflict Management System addresses the entire spectrum of human conflict using consistent principles, tactics, and terminology that are simple, systematic, and universal in their application.

This report summarizes the key principles we have learned over the last 40+ years to

  • prevent the escalation of routine interactions
  • manage workplace conflict when it occurs
  • keep everyone safe in crisis situations
  • avert workplace violence

Just submit the form below to get instant access and learn how to

  1. use empathy to reduce conflict and crisis
  2. stay calm in the midst of chaos
  3. prevent conflict by starting interactions properly
  4. avoid the common listening mistakes
  5. persuade difficult people to cooperate
  6. de-escalate verbal assaults
  7. manage crisis situations
  8. recognize the precursors to violence
  9. use your instincts to stay safe
  10. develop a safety mindset
  11. protect yourself and others from physical harm
  12. enhance your team’s conflict management skills

Get this report and stop your organization’s stakeholders from experiencing the physical, organizational, legal, and emotional harm that can result from poorly managed conflict.